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Deacon Whitehall



Deacon Whitehall was born to a lower-middle-class family with a mother, father, and brother who all loved him very much (in Mistrim). Deacon’s mother was a woodcarver, and his father was a smith as well as a heavy drinker, though he wasn’t an angry drunk. As for Deacon and his brother, they wanted to leave the poor town they were in. Being conscripted for the crown’s guard was not what they had in mind. That’s when the Esoterin conflict happened. Gideon was tragically killed on the front lines of the human/Esoterin conflict. Deacon on the other hand wasn’t enlisted until the war had practically ended. He was sent to Stomen where he found a starving single mother named Tabitha and her child Winston. He fell in love with the mother and began to see the flaws of the crown’s rule in this area and its dictatorial grip on the region. After two months, Deacon was recalled from Stomen since the war was over and asked Tabitha to marry him (because there was no priest but it was marriage) so both Winston and her could come to live in a nicer place with him. They all went back to Laradel Province, this time to Ithelon. At that point, the kingdom started conscripting soldiers into the Watchful Eye to find magic users. Deacon trained with them for a long time. For years, he had searched and discovered many in his time, but he never saw what happened to them. Then, after 25 years, strange runes appeared on his body and he began developing magical capabilities. He didn’t fully understand them but he knew that there was intense arcana attached to them, and he knew that the Watchful Eye would be looking for him. So he told Tabitha and Winston that he had to leave because it wasn’t safe for them to be around him. Since then, Deacon has been on the run and trying to make money for his new family which he sends to Ithelon.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae rhoncus leo. Nunc nec metus tellus. Ut accumsan lacinia egestas. Mauris a elit at metus varius interdum ac eu ante. Pellentesque in luctus lorem, id rhoncus arcu. Nullam convallis aliquet tincidunt. Praesent venenatis efficitur sapien, quis aliquet ex ultricies quis. Curabitur non tortor in elit sodales consequat. Phasellus dignissim, nunc non suscipit vestibulum, quam risus gravida lorem, eu euismod tellus lorem id dui. Nam hendrerit id dui at faucibus. Fusce sed ante libero.




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Zahid Kaimallan



A young boy, born to a happy family in the Esoterin communities in the tundra. His mother was a politician and high-ranking noble within the community and his father was a builder working with ice and stone, constructing buildings for the growing population. Zahid’s older brother Lias was good with his hands, so he helped his father with the heavy lifting projects. As for Zahid himself, his life was open to possibilities until a single faithful day when an older woman came knocking on the family’s door. She told them that their son Zahid who was only 10 at the time had been the recipient of a very special gift. He had received a mark. Everyone was shocked but incredibly proud. While they were sad to see Zahid go, everyone knew it was for the greater good. So Zahid went with this woman to study the ways of the mark. They worked to uncover its history and discover the abilities that came with it. The primary ability that they were given was the power to manipulate light to their benefit. These individuals were known as Light-Touched.

Originally, these powers were used as survival techniques for the wild. They could camouflage entire cities at the highest levels of study. After 13 years of study, Zahid had mastered the ability to transform and use light for illusory purposes, but the higher practices still eluded him. The woman blamed his split focus on combat training and the women of his village. Regardless, Zahid was proud of his progress despite how slow it came. It was after this ten-year period that the woman was alerted to the birth of another marked individual. The two went to investigate and came upon the household of a single mother and her five-year-old son. Zahid immediately fell madly in love with the mother of this boy: Théa (Tay-uh). She was kind, intelligent, and the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. The woman and Zahid both pledged to the mother Théa that her son Isik would be well trained in the mark. Théa was hesitant at first but she eventually agreed. Over the next 11 years, Zahid and Isik grew incredibly close, forming an almost father/son relationship. As a result, Zahid also got closer to Théa.

Eventually, the two got married and began living together. They were incredibly happy together and they loved each other very much. However, Théa continued to express how worried she was that her son was in danger. Zahid understood and vowed to continue keeping her son safe. After these ten years, the mentor passed in her sleep, and war became imminent. Zahid went to a meeting of the other marked houses with Isik. They begged for help, but the houses gave no sympathy. Zahid left angered and disheartened. Before they began operations with Zahid’s brother, Théa made him promise that Isik would be kept safe, so she gave Zahid a geode necklace of Isik’s horn so that he could scry and telepathically communicate with him. Zahid swore on this and took to spying and fighting for the Esoterin people. Zahid and Isik were pivotal in the war’s effort as they often spearheaded the army’s movement with information on troop movements and ambush operations. For a while, it seemed like the Esoterin might be able to take the Southern capital; that was until the king caught on that the Esoterin had spies. So, the king enlisted his own spy, a changeling by the name of Enan who managed to discover Isik while on a solo mission. Isik was captured and Zahid was contacted via the geode. Zahid came to a sort of hostage negotiation meeting with Enan and a king’s messenger. Zahid told the messenger that if both Zahid and Isik were guaranteed life, he would lead the Esoterin army into a trap for the kingdom. Zahid told the messenger that he would know if any harm came to Isik due to the magic of the geode. The terms were agreed upon. Zahid contacted his brother Lias and solemnly sent a message leading him and his army to die. Right before the genocide started, Zahid desperately reached out to Théa through the geode telling her to run, but there was no response.

After that, Zahid spent a year in the king’s prison until they agreed on what to do with him. During this time, Zahid met a guard who was sympathetic toward him named Deacon. While the other guards mocked and beat Zahid, this guard showed a glimmer of humanity toward him. When he was released, Zahid was immediately sent to work for the king’s group of bounty hunters, and he had a massive target on his back. Nearly everyone there wanted him dead or beaten, and the rest were indifferent to his case. For the next year, Zahid had to consistently look over his shoulder to stay alive in this environment. One day, an emboldened bounty hunter came looking for trouble. He beat Zahid within an inch of his life until he was pulled off by guards led by a woman Zahid had seen at the hostage negotiation but never met. He learned soon after that her name was Linara Celorien, the disgraced daughter of the king himself. She took a lot of the fall for the Esoterin conflict since it took place in the region she was in charge of. So now, she had a personal vendetta. While she was tasked with keeping Zahid alive, she was also allowed to make his life a living hell, which she did. She constantly threatened to send other infamous bounty hunters after him should he fail. So Zahid did his best to keep Linara happy.

From then on (23 years), Zahid has been running sting operations for the king and rooting out threats to the kingdom and he has gotten quite good at it. At one point, he even infiltrated and exposed a small adventuring band that was beginning to form around the ideals of the new revolutionaries. He continually listened for Isik’s heartbeat through the geode (which had been modified and shrunken down to fit any piece of jewelry) but never had the heart to reach out. Since then, Zahid has been jumping from job to job, hoping that someday, something will show him that everything he did was worth it.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin vitae rhoncus leo. Nunc nec metus tellus. Ut accumsan lacinia egestas. Mauris a elit at metus varius interdum ac eu ante. Pellentesque in luctus lorem, id rhoncus arcu. Nullam convallis aliquet tincidunt. Praesent venenatis efficitur sapien, quis aliquet ex ultricies quis. Curabitur non tortor in elit sodales consequat. Phasellus dignissim, nunc non suscipit vestibulum, quam risus gravida lorem, eu euismod tellus lorem id dui. Nam hendrerit id dui at faucibus. Fusce sed ante libero.




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